
  • Preschool:  In this educational period you can find two types of educational centers for children of primary childhood, these are Yochien y Hoiken, In this educational period you can find two types of educational centers for children of primary childhood, these are, below is a comparison of the two educational centers:


  1. private educational center
  2. entrance registration must be paid
  3. vacation for 4 days
  4. Children only over 3 years old are accepted

  1. The application for admission must be made at the municipality.
  2. There is no registration fee to pay.
  3. There's no vacations.
  4. Extended age range of accepted children

  • Primary:  This stage lasts 6 years, Attendance is mandatory at this stage, and each class is assigned a single teacher who teaches all subjects, except music and art. The majority of these educational centers are public and mixed (99%). In primary school, the subjects are taught to students, dividing them according to their leve
  • Elementary secondary: This stage lasts years, attendance is mandatory, the curriculum has the mandatory subjects of science, mathematics, social sciences, Japanese language, music, physical and health education, fine arts, industrial arts, extracurricular activities and an optional foreign language.
  • Higher Secondary: Attendance is voluntary, to enter upper secondary school you must take an exam, where schools with a higher reputation have more difficult and demanding exams, this makes the competition process intense, however there are joint secondary schools. elementary and higher that do not require an exam. The upper secondary school program has the following compulsory subjects: languageJapanese, Geography and History, Civic Education, Mathematics, Science, Physical and Health Education, Art, Integrated Curriculum, Extracurricular Activities, Foreign Language, Home Economics and Computer Science
  • University: 57.9% of upper secondary school graduates manage to enter an intermediate level university, the vast majority of this student body is female, in recent years a series of reforms have been presented that have led to a drastic change in the system university, this led to the universities that belonged to the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology being transformed into independent administrative institutions, in order to increase the level of competition.


The Japanese educational system is based on the fact that education is the path to prosperity, with interactive and constructivist teaching, a large part of these bases are based on discipline and great levels of effort to guarantee quality professionals who will write and They will forge the future of the country, however this ideology is not so healthy because this system generates large amounts of stress in young people, increasing suicide rates. The social psychologist Masao Miyamoto makes a series of complaints about this educational system, making a comparison of student children with Bonsai trees that are pruned and therefore do not allow them to grow freely, leaving the interpretation of the strict monitoring of the system without giving the possibility to independence or healthy creativity, he also denounces that the stress in this educational system is due to the pressure that students suffer from having to take difficult entrance exams of which their future is narrowly defined. Added to this are the extensive study days plus extracurricular ones.


Berger. (2006). Psicología del Desarrollo. Infancia y Adolescencia. Madrid: Editorial Médica Panamericana S.A.

Japan Fcat Cheet. (2012). Educación. Los cimientos para el crecimiento y la prosperidad. Recuperado de http://webjapan.org/factsheet/es/pdf/es37_education.pd

La universidad en internet. (10 de 12 de 2022). Obtenido de Japón: un estudio de su sistema educativo: https://ecuador.unir.net/actualidad-unir/charlas-para-la-reflexion-educativa-japon/#:~:text=Jap%C3%B3n%20sigue%20fiel%20a%20su,a%20la%20orden%20del%20d%C3%ADa.&text=Jap%C3%B3n%20se%20sit%C3%BAa%20en%20los,como%20Hong%20Kong%20o%20Singapur. 


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